Realme has launched its first smart television in India. The Realme Smart TV is available in two screen sizes - 32-inch and 43-inch. The Realme Smart TV gives competition to the highly competitive budget smart television segment in India, like brands such as Xiaomi, Vu, and Blaupunkt, to name a few. The 32-inch TV comes with 1366x768 screen resolution while the 43-inch TV provides 1920x1080 resolution. It is powered by MediaTek, a quad-core 64- bit architecture, an ARM Cortex A53 1.1GHz CPU, and a new Mali-470 MP3 GPU. It supports HDR10 video decoding, RAM is clocked at 2133MHz. The TV comes with Choma Boost technology similar to Realme phones, bezel-less design, 24W quad stereo speakers, Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube support, Chromecast built-in, Google Assistant support, Dolby Atmos support, Remote with quick buttons. It runs Android 9.0 software.
- Bezel-less Design: This realme TV’s Bezel-less design makes it a thing of beauty. Thanks to its 8.7 mm thin bezels, this TV makes your favorite video content highly immersive.
- Stunning Picture Quality: The Chroma Boost Picture Engine amazingly improves picture quality, brightness, colour, and contrast. In addition, this TV boasts up to 400 nits of brightness to facilitate better visibility even when the ambient light is bright.
- Powerful Processor: This realme TV boasts a 64-bit Quad-core MediaTek processor that makes for seamless performance, helping you watch TV shows, play games and much more without any lag or hassle
- 24W Quad Speakers: Its 24-watt quad speakers deliver incredible punchy bass and crystal-clear vocals, facilitating a mind-blowing aural experience.
- Dolby Surround Audio: Whether you’re gaming or watching a movie using this TV, you will find yourself in the thick of the action - all thanks to this technology that puts up a surround-sound experience.
- Certified Android TV: This Android TV offers you access to the Google Play Store, where you can download a wide variety of apps based on your requirements.
- Stream All You Want: This TV comes preinstalled with various streaming apps that you can take advantage of to indulge in amazing content.
- One-touch Google Assistant: This TV’s remote has a dedicated Google Assistant button that you can take advantage of to set reminders, check the weather updates, and search for stuff on the Internet, among other things.
- Chromecast Built-in: Using this feature, you can easily stream content from your smartphone on this TV.
- Smart Bluetooth Remote: This TV’s smart remote is ergonomically designed and its weight is precisely distributed. Not only does it feel good in your hands, but it also makes the task of accessing and controlling this TV’s features convenient.
The Realme smart TV 32-inch starts at RS 12,999 while the 43-inch is priced at Rs 21,999. The television will go on sale on June 2 2020 at 12pm (noon), and will initially be available on Flipkart and Realme has announced that the television will soon also be available through offline retailers.
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