Realme also launched its first-ever smartwatch in the country called Realme Watch. The company launched the Realme Watch at an aggressive price of Rs 3,999. At this price point the offerings the watch brings to the consumers are commendable. Starting from all fitness features to all the smart ones, Realme Watch has it all. The Realme Watch comes in four colours options: Blue, Black, Red, and Green. The Black model will be available for purchase on June 5 on and Flipkart at 12 noon.
Realme Watch launched in India. Some of the key features of the Realme Watch includes: 1.4-inch display, 14 sports mode, heart rate sensor, Gorilla Glass 3 support, high resistant to scratches, 12 watch faces, 100 watch faces are coming soon, Blood oxygen level monitor, PPG sensor, step tracker, drinking reminder, meditation and more. The Realme Watch can be paired with Android phones via Realme Link app. No support for iPhones as of now. It also comes with smart unlock -- automatically unlocks the phone, remotely control music player on phone, works as a shutter button for clicking pictures, supports IP68 water and dust resistance. The watch comes in four colours: black, red, green, and blue. It is priced at Rs 3,999 and will be available on and Flipkart.
Large Touchscreen: The large 3.5 cm (1.4) touchscreen offers you a smooth touch and a seamless experience. It also lets you see what’s on-screen clearly even under a bright light.
Personalize the Watch Face: The realme Link app is home to 12 stylish watch faces for you to personalize your screen.
Blood Oxygen Level Monitor: Track your health and make your workouts more fruitful, as this smartwatch lets you measure your blood oxygen level easily.
Heart Rate Monitor: Want to measure your heart rate? You can do so, with this smartwatch, as it supports 24-hour monitoring.
Activity Tracker: This smartwatch is a delight for every sports lover. You can choose from 14 sports modes, including Walk, Outdoor Run, Outdoor Cycle, Yoga, Badminton, Basketball, Football, Cricket, and more to track your fitness routine.
Music and Camera Control: Skip the song, increase/decrease the volume, or click a wonderful picture from your phone easily at the touch of a button on this smartwatch.
Notifications: You can receive notifications for texts, calls, reminders, and more on your smartwatch so you needn’t take your phone out for everything.
realme Link App: You can sync all your health data to the realme Link app and view it on your phone. That’s not all, you can change the watch settings according to your requirements (for Android devices).
Resistant to Accidental Spills: This smartwatch will not be affected by accidental spills, as it has an IP68 water-resistance rating.
Other Features: Some of the other features that you can expect on this smartwatch include idle alert, drink reminder, vibrating alarm, and call rejection.
The Realme TV comes in two screen sizes — 32-inch priced at Rs 12,999 and 43-inch priced at Rs 21,999. The company also announced Realme Power bank 2, Realme Buds Air Neo, and confirmed that Realme Soundbar is coming soon. "Clik Here" for more detail
Realme Watch launched in India. Some of the key features of the Realme Watch includes: 1.4-inch display, 14 sports mode, heart rate sensor, Gorilla Glass 3 support, high resistant to scratches, 12 watch faces, 100 watch faces are coming soon, Blood oxygen level monitor, PPG sensor, step tracker, drinking reminder, meditation and more. The Realme Watch can be paired with Android phones via Realme Link app. No support for iPhones as of now. It also comes with smart unlock -- automatically unlocks the phone, remotely control music player on phone, works as a shutter button for clicking pictures, supports IP68 water and dust resistance. The watch comes in four colours: black, red, green, and blue. It is priced at Rs 3,999 and will be available on and Flipkart.
The Realme TV comes in two screen sizes — 32-inch priced at Rs 12,999 and 43-inch priced at Rs 21,999. The company also announced Realme Power bank 2, Realme Buds Air Neo, and confirmed that Realme Soundbar is coming soon. "Clik Here" for more detail
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