Jeep has launched the Compass SUV in India at a starting price of Rs. 14.95 lakh. The 2017 Compass SUV has been built on the stretched version of Grand Cherokee. Taking inspiration from Cherokee in terms of design both inside and outside, the Compass SUV gets similar provisions as seen on the premium model. The petrol versions get front wheel drivetrains while the diesel gets an AWD drivetrain.
Jeep Compass SUV Mileage 17.1 kmpl overall diesel / 16.3 kmpl for petrol
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Engine Displacement 1.4L
Petrol / 2.0L Diesel
Max. Power 162
PS / 173 PS
Peak Torque 250
Nm / 350 Nm
Gearbox Six-Speed
Manual and Seven-Speed Automatic/ Six-Speed Manual
Suspension MacPherson
Struts with Coil Springs
Brakes All
Four Disc BrakesJeep Compass SUV Mileage 17.1 kmpl overall diesel / 16.3 kmpl for petrol
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Jeep Compass 2017 was only available in the diesel variant with a 4X2 drivetrain, followed by the 4X4 version of the same.